Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Wild Horse Stampede

Well the title of this blog says it all, the Wild Horse Stampede was definately WILD! I had so much fun in Wolf Point. Megan Helmer and Vanessa Hardy were there and it is always nice to catch up with them. Thank you to Megan for letting me ride Honey Bucket and to Vanessa for hauling her into town for me. I started out the weekend with an interview on the radio with Aaron Flint on "Voices of Montana." A few of the committee members, the announcer, Randy Schmutz and the clown, Timber Tuckness were also there for the show. All three nights of the rodeo were awesome. Honey Bucket did a great job in the arena! Of course, the Wild Horse was the highlight of the rodeo. The teams went for a lot of money in the calcutta. I helped gather the bids horeback in the arena, which I don't get to do very often so I really enjoyed that. Some friends from Lambert were able to make it to the rodeo. It is so fun to know someone in the stands. I can't forget to mention the famous Catholic Burger! I must say I did have a few when I was in Wolf Point, mmmmm mmmmm so delicious!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Cowboy Christmas!!

The first week in July was a busy one for me. I headed to Cody, Wyoming for the Cody Stampede. I could only be there for two days, but they took such great care of me there and really made me feel welcome. Erin, Miss Rodeo Wyoming and Kelli, Miss Rodeo America were there along with several other local queens. The first night we got to know a few of the visiting royalty while we enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Rib & Chop House. The next morning we had breakfast with the rodeo committee and contract personal. It seems like all we ever do is eat! After breakfast we were invovled in a local radio interview, I only said a few words, but feel like I represented our Montana cowboys well! Later that day we were treated to a trolley ride of Cody. The trolley was packed with people. They asked lots of questions about the rodeo and rodeo queening. I met people from all over the world while in Cody. From Cody I headed to Red Lodge for the Home of Champions Rodeo. Each day, the local royalty and I were in the parade. It got bigger and better each day. I put on a kiddie rodeo and met a family from Rhode Island. They were very interested in rodeo and asked me how they could help the cowboys financially. I talked to them about the Justin Cowboys Crisis Fund and are serioulsy considering. I am anxious to see what they do. I had never been to Red Lodge before and the number of people at the rodeo was amazing! The best of the best cowboys and cowgirls were there and that definately spices things up. My mom came along with me and we had alot of fun shopping. After Red Lodge, I headed to Wolf Point for the Wild Horse Stampede!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wildest One Day Rodeo in the West

The last weekend in June, I headed to Augusta for the "Wildest One Day Rodeo in the West." I started the day off with an autograph session and shopping spree at Latigo and Lace. What a cute store! I took a ton of pictures and signed many autographs. Virgil Hershberger was there and treated me with a beautiful bracelet. After Latigo and Lace, I headed over to the rodeo grounds. Thanks to Sue and Bailey Jo Thompson for hauling their perfect mare, Lily for me to ride. I just love that horse!! Tesla, Miss Big Sky Pro Rodeo and Crystal BSPR Princess also attended the rodeo. I was honored to carry the American Flag in the grand entry, as the other girls brought in Montana and American Legion. We helped clear the arena during steer wrestlinng and tie down roping. Brent Jordan gave me some great recognition throughout the rodeo, thanks so much for that. After the saddle bronc I headed back into the arena to throw the prize winning tennis balls and I was actually able to throw them up there pretty high :) The grandstands were packed as usual in Augusta ,which is one reason they call it "The Wildest One Day Rodeo in the West." The Rocky Mountain Photography Class was there, and I truley felt like a celebrity with paparazzi following me. It was definately fun for a day! Overall the Augusta Rodeo was a total blast! You must experience it!

Bear Paw Roundup/Rudyard Centennial

What a week it was up on the Hi-Line. The Bear Paw Roundup was going on in Chinook and the town of Rudyard was celebrating it's 100th birthday. Of course I wanted to be at both events and we made it happen. It was so nice to be back in Chinook for the Bear Paw Roundup! Last year as Miss Big Sky Pro Rodeo I had the opportunity to help with the rodeo and had a blast. The rodeo was even better this year. Libby and I headed down on Thursday for the Silver Spurs Dinner. We got to meet several of the rodeo committee members along with some of the Silver Spur members. Shane Schwenke provided us with Louie and Scooter for the grand entry and to carry sponsor flags through out the rodeo. What great steeds they were! Friday night, Libby and I put on a stick horse rodeo in front of the grandstands and quite a few kids showed up. They all wanted to learn how to rope and they all caught on really quick! The number of rodeo fans at Friday nights performance was outstanding and that really makes the rodeo! After the rodeo, Libby and I headed to Rudyard so we could be in the Rudyard Centennial Parade Saturday morning. We got to ride in a silver mustang and actually throw candy! It was the longest parade our little town has ever had. A whole 15 minutes!! We then headed over to the beard contest where my dad was in the running for "best beard". He WON the contest! It was a pretty cool achievement considering he has been growing it out since last August. Next was "Fashions Through the Century" style show that my mom was putting on. The clothing was a hoot and it is amazing what is coming back these days. I signed some autographs and enjoyed some cake on old luncheon plates from the 60's. Several other activities went on throughout the town that day. We had to head back to Chinook for the rodeo and missed the toilet races, but heard they were quite the entertainment! Saturday nights performance in Chinook was just as good as the night before. I was so happy that I could be two places at once!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Belt Cowboys Rodeo

Once I arrived home from Nebraska it was Belt Rodeo time. I thought for sure it was going to rain atleast one day. We were lucky and the rain clouds went right around. :) Clancy and Lauri Sivertson provided me a horse. His name is Doc and I had the privledge to ride him last year as Miss Big Sky Pro Rodeo. Libby was able to join me at this rodeo and per usual we had alot of fun together. Tesla McDowel and Crystal Hamilton, the Big Sky Royalty were able to be there as well. It really is "the more the merrier" when it comes to having lots of royalty around. It was the 50th year for the Little Belt Cowboys Rodeo and what a celebration it was. The stands were full during both performances, the stock from Brookman rodeo was fantastic, JJ Harrison was the clown, and Barney Sheridan was the announcer. They were hilarious. JJ asked me to be part of the clown act, which was SOO FUN. Just look at the pictures and you will know why! HAHA. Sunday morning, we all were in the parade and then went on to put on a stick horse rodeo. We didn't have very many kids, but the ones who did come were a hoot. I had the honor to carry the American Flag, which always feels sooo good, as well as clear the arena during the the steer wrestling and tie down roping. Linda and Lorissa Harris were able to make it to the rodeo, along with Janie and Jennika O'Neil. They are always so fun to be around. All in the all the Belt Rodeo was an absolute blast! Both my parents, along with Libby's were in attendance too. It was for sure a family affair! Happy Father's Day!!
