Tuesday, February 23, 2010

NRA Finals

First of all, what a great job Ty Yost did putting on the Northern Rodeo Association Finals. It was a pleasure working with him and his crew. Also, thank you to Sparky Dreesan from Big Circle Rodeo Company. He brought two horses, Jack and Strawberry, for Libby and I to ride during the rodeo. They were such sweet horses and I would take them home with me in a second. Thursday was the first day of events for me. I started by doing a school visits at West Elementary School in Laurel and Hanna Heckman (Miss Montana High School Rodeo), Ben Clements (rodeo announcer) and Scott Cameron (rodeo clown) joined me and I was so thankful for that. I was a bit nervous for my first school and they made it very easy for me. We put on a stick horse rodeo, signed some autographs and talked about making good choices. The kids were so fun and loved participating in the events. That night was the first performance of the rodeo. Libby and I helped carry sponsor flags on our trusty steeds, Jack and Strawberry.

Friday morning, Jessica, a MaryKay consultant came over and helped Libby and I with out makeup, then we headed to the MATE to sign autographs as the Stockton Oil and Nutrilix booths (2 big sponsors for the NRA rodeo). That afternoon we went to Sandstone Elementary in the Billings heights and did a school vists/stick horse rodeo. http://www.billingsgazette.com/news/local/vmix_433684b2-1d9c-11df-bb31-001cc4c03286.html That night at the rodeo Libby, Hanna and I had the opportunity to meet and greet the Kentucky Headhunters. We got their autographs and gave them ours too!

Saturday, we got up in the morning and went out to thank some sponsors for Miss Rodeo Montana. Lou Tauberts was our first stop, Anita was out of the store but hopefully I will catch her next time I am in Billings. Our second stop was Hippie Cowgirl where we found out she would sponsor a pair of Ferrinni boots of our choice. Let me tell you, Libby and I flipped through that magazine a bazillion times before we made a decision. After visiting the sponsors, we did a live radio remote at Lithia Dodge. Some of the NRA contestants and directors were able to make it, which gave the people listening an insight on what happens on both ends of the arena. Saturday was the final round for the NRA rodeo and what a rowdy rodeo it was. My experience at the NRA rodeo was a very positive one!

Happy Trails,


Monday, February 22, 2010

Go Knights!

After the NRA Finals, I was given the opportunity to visit North Star Highschool. The school that I graduated from. Grades 1st through 6th invited me to read to them for "I Love to Read Month." The kids are so funny, even though most of them remember me from high school sports, the completely different outfit threw some of them off. Some didn't believe that I was Miss Rodeo Montana and some were telling their fellow classmates, "I know that girl, she played basketball," or my favorite "Mrs Kline is the luckiest lady in the world because that's her neice." What a hoot little kids can be. Another kid walked up to me and said, "I'm a cowboy and I ride sheep." It was so nice to see some of my teachers that I hadn't seen since I graduated in 2007. Luckily, I had lots of autograph sheets, they were a huge hit with the North Star Knights.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's Rodeo San Antonio!

I just got back from San Antonio, Texas and did I enjoy myself? Yes! Yes I did. Even though it wasn't as cold as Montana can be when I left, it was so nice to go to warm weather in Texas. However, the first night I got there, the temperature went down to 33 degrees. Everyone kept telling me "you brought this weather with you!" Luckily, the rest of the trip was nice with temperatures between 60 and 70 degrees. OnceI arrived in San Antone, the lady hosting me was ready to pick me up. Her name is Julie Kallison and she is a fantastic woman! She chauffered me around to where ever I wanted and always had me to where I needed to be on time. I know that Julie and I will be friends for a long time. Just as I arrived, Miss Rodeo Colorado was leaving, I was able to meet her but didn't get to chat long. What a pleasure it was to meet Miss Rodeo Texas, Devin Felger. We have so much in common that it made the trip absolutely wonderful. The San Antonio Stock Show is huge and they have several committees, no matter what committee we were working with they treated me as if I was on the red carpet! Devin took me downtown where we had lunch on the river walk and I was able to see the Alamo. SO COOL!!

The San Antonio Rodeo is like a mini Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. They hold it in the AT&T Center so it has the big indoor feeling. I wasn't able to ride in the rodeo, but was given access to watch from one of the "Super Boxes" which was awesome, along with helping with the muttin bustin. The kids came from all over Texas to compete in the sheep riding. Before we would walk them into the arena they would chant, "Your going down sheep!" and would tell each rough stock cowboy good job or good luck. Jesse Kruse was competing in the saddle bronc and Sean Case was competing in the bull riding, Gary Rempel was picking up for Calgary Stampede Rodeo and the Kesler's had stock bucking one of the nights too. It is so nice to see some fellow Montanan's when away from home. After each rodeo, Devin and I along with some of the cowboys and bull fighters signed autographs. The people in Texas love autographs, I signed 300 autograph sheets in 3 days and literally came home with zero. During the day, Devin and I spoke to small groups about how important sponsors and scholarships are. One day we were walking through the carnival area and a group of people from a TV show wanted us to say a few things for their show. Turns out the TV station was a spanish station and I don't speak much spanish. Luckily, it was only 2 sentences; "Yo soy Jourdon Han Miss Rodeo Montana" I am Jourdon Han Miss Rodeo Montana and "Vamos el rodeo San Antonio" Let's rodeo San Antonio. It took me a few takes, but oh well! That day I must have had "put me on TV" written on my forehead. That night a producer asked if I would do a pitch for a commercial they are doing to encourage soldiers to have their accomplishments published in local newspapers. I was happy to do it and hopefully will get to see the commercial on TV some day, cross your fingers. They kept us pretty busy while in Texas, but that didn't keep me from shopping during my free time! They had some great booths down there and I found some really cute boots and jewelry. How could I forget! Devin met Gabriel Igleasis (the comedian) marketing director in her hotel and he invited us to meet Gabriel and see the tour bus. We ended up missing Gabriel by a few minutes, but did get to take some pictures with the bus. Lance, the marketimg director is good friends with Toby Keith and was able to set up a meet and greet for Devin to meet him. I was leaving that day so I missed out on that opportunity, but he said if Toby was ever in the Montana area he would set something up :)

I am in Billings for the NRA Finals the rest of the week. Sounds like my days will be filled with school visits, radio interviews and rodeo. Stay tuned for more info!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Outdoor Show/Cowboy Hall of Fame

Hey Everyone,

I had another very successful weekend! Saturday morning I headed to Great Falls to represent the Montana Fur Trappers at the Great Rockies Sport Show held at the Four Seasons. It is so amazing how they can turn that building from one thing to another in no time. Libby was able to join me and we, as usual, had a great time together. When we first got to the show, the Real Hunting magazine guys snagged us for another picture and are going to put it in their next issue. I kept hearing people say, "let's go see the bears." Well the first thing I thought of was they must have stuffed bears somewhere, well come to find out they had REAL bears in the building. Libby and I were able to catch a show. The bears seemed pretty lazy, I would be too if someone woke me up from hibernating. My favorite bear was named "Andy" and he was the biggest and could ride a scooter. For treats, the trainer would give him skittles and he was sure to let them know he was not going without his treat. Libby and I were a little nervous wearing a furs and decided that if something were to happen and the bears got loose we would ditch the fur so we didn't look like food.. just kidding fur trappers :) I would NEVER ditch my beautiful fur!! We saw some of the same people from the outdoor show the weekend before. The Speed Goat Decoy boys were there and gave us antelope heads and shirts this week. Libby and I love our antelope heads, my dog Josie doesn't. She runs when I put it on.
After our visit with the fur trappers, we headed to Lewistown for the Cowboy Hall of Fame "Circle of Wagons." We sold raffle tickets and heads and tails tickets, showed off the live auction items and had a great time socializing with everyone. The staff at the Yogo Inn in Lewistown were absolutely wonderful. Libby and I were looking for a place to get ready and they gave us a private hotel room to freshen up. Not all hotels will do that! A big thanks goes out to Jack and Kristi Stensland for inviting us to the Cowboy Hall of Fame banquet. What a success it was. After the banquet the Gill's invited me to stay in their home again. I just love it their and love staying with them. Sunday, Kate (my new national director) and I were able to meet up and talk about my year. Overall, I had a great weekend and can't wait to see what comes up next.

Thats all for now,


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Lewistown Winter Fair/Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame

The first weekend of travel for Libby and I was a success! Friday, January 29th we headed to Lewistown for the Winter Fair. Terry and Joan Gill (friends of the Gurnetts) welcomed us to stay at their BEAUTIFUL home. I felt so comfortable and Joan is a spectacular cook!
Saturday morning, we got up and headed to the fairgrounds for the stick horse rodeo. We had heard that over 60 kids participated last year and we were ready. Well 58 came this year, and let me tell you, the Judith Basin Backcountry Horseman know how to put on a kiddie rodeo. It was so organized and they had great prizes. First, Libby and I greeted the families and watched the kids warm up their horses...I think they could have ran in circles all day. Some kids are latched to their parents during kiddie rodeos, not in Lewistown, everyone of them wanted to be involved and gave it their all. The first part of the rodeo was to crown the Prince and Princess, they would lead each event, we did the grand entry and everyone recited the pledge. Each kid took part in 4 events, steer wrestling (tip over the bale) calf roping, barrel racing and an event new to me, wild cow milking!

I had never seen that in a kiddie rodeo, but I think I might steal the idea for the stick horse rodeo I am going to have at my Coronation Ball. After the rodeo, we were treated to lunch. I was on a time schedule to get to Billings for the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame Banquet, but Libby was able to stay a few more hours and finish our duties at the Winter Fair. I arrived in Billings at around 3:30 and needed to be ready for the Banquet by 4:00. I really do think it was a test to see how fast I could get the dirt out of my nose and ears and into my dress and fur, I did pass that test. Phew! I envy the members of the Montana Pro Rodeo Hall and Wall of Fame. They sold over 500 tickets, had great live and silent auction items, great food and great music...overall a great party. I was so happy that my Mom and Dad were able to make the event. Libby and I were very involved with the banquet, we helped with "heads and tails," paraded the live auction items and escorted the inductees and award winners. Brent Jordan and Justin Mills gave us a wonderful introduction and mentioned that we were there several times. A BIG thanks goes out to Lucille Hill for including us in the celebration. I met more people in 4 hours than I have in a long time, even legends of rodeo I didn't expect to be there, including Benny Reynolds, Jonnie Jonckowski, Allen Pursely, Don & Dan Mortenson, Shawn Davis, Deb Greenough, Rod Lyman, Jesse Kruse and the list goes on. Another spectacular person I was able to meet was the FIRST Miss Rodeo Montana! Some people call her the Queen of Montana, as do I is Barbarba Bernideau Wilson. What a classy lady, we had a great conversation and come to find out we have alot in common. I am so honored that I was able to be apart of such an event.

Libby & I with Dan Mortenson
Queen of Montana Barbara
Jonnie Jonckowski


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Howdy-Do Friends

My name is Jourdon Han and I am the 21 year old daughter of Don and Jaye Dee Han of Rudyard. During the Montana Pro Rodeo Circuit Finals I was crowned Miss Rodeo Montana 2010, a goal I have set for myself since I was a little girl. I have put my nursing degree at Montana State University on hold, while I travel to represent Montana and the western lifestyle not only in Big Sky country, but also to our entire nation and Canada. What a unique opportunity to meet new people from every walk of life and promote rodeo and western culture, all the while learning how things are done in your neck of the woods. Being Miss Rodeo Montana is the first step to winning the crown of Miss Rodeo America. I feel I could really make a difference in the world of rodeo. I hope to make you all proud as I travel the scenic and historic lands of our home state, Montana.
As my Grampa Kline used to say,

